East Kilbride Rotary Club
April 2012 Calderglen is a bit cleaner with respect to rubbish lying about after East Kilbride Rotary Club members who were outnumbered by the volunteers who came along from Calderglen High school, thirty two of Calderglen first year students came along and as you can see by the number of bags a great deal of rubbish was collected. Calderglen school are involved in an Olympic games exercise where they have been set certain targets and as a result of the Calderglen cleanup exercise they have fulfilled one of their five set tasks in they have tackled an environment problem. Representatives from East Kilbride Rotary Club will be going along to the school to present these first year students with another achievement Olympic ring       

In September of 2012 Calderglen was once again  a bit cleaner after East Kilbride Rotary Club members who were outnumbered by the volunteers who came along from Calderglen High school, thirty two of Calderglen first year students came along and as you can see by the number of bags a great deal of rubbish was collected.